

Building a Custom Movie Recommendation Engine That Runs Right in Your Terminal


Have you ever wondered how Amazon knows what products you're likely to want, or how Netflix figures out the movies you've been dying to watch? This fun project will give you a simplistic and realistic first-hand experience of the world of recommendation algorithms. As a bonus, you'll get to see how they work under the hood.

Last month, I took a refresher python course. I reviewed the fundamentals of the language and got to also learn a couple of new stuff. What better way to internalize concepts learnt and showcase my knowledge than projects? So I set out to build one.

My interest in AI has spanned a few years, and although, my knowledge of the field is merely superficial, I do understand the role AI system play in prediction, forecasting, pattern detection and enhanced and personalized user experience. For instance, giants such as Netflix, Amazon etc run complex ML models that make personalized recommendations for their users. I set out to model these systems at a less complex and reduced level. So, MovieMate came to life.


Project Description

MovieMate is an interactive and immersive command-line text-based video streaming platform. It offers users a novel yet simplistic simulated experience watching movies in the command line. The platform has a custom-built adaptive and intuitive recommendation engine that makes personalized movie recommendations to the users.

Technical Composition and Requirements

I developed the project using python programming language and implemented the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm.OOP proved to be a good fit as it allowed me, using class inheritance, to write modular codes and encapsulate the features of the project into manageable and scalable bits.

Simple-colors is the only external literary I utilized in the project. It provided colourful outputs in the terminal. Since we are usually fascinated by beautiful colour combinations, I implemented it to improve the user experience. I also utilized a virtual environment to manage the project dependencies.

Project Structure

├── database/
│      └──  movie_database.json    
├── packages/
│        ├── engine/
│        │        └──
│        ├── interface/
│        │        └──
│        └── movie/
│                ├──
│                ├──
│                ├──
│                └──
├── .gitignore  
├── requirements.txt  

The above is the folder structure of the project. Brief details on the main files and folders are given below.

  • database: this folder contains the movie database

  • packages: this folder contains the codes for the three components of the project; engine, interface and movie.

  • main.js: this is the entry point into the project

  • requirements.txt: this file contains external libraries and their version

User Walkthrough

Here, I will give a short description and guide on how to use and navigate the app.

On loading the app, a welcome message is displayed. The user is then prompted to enter the desired menu mode from a list of menu options. The menu modes are: watch(w), home(h), search(s), and recommend(r).

Home mode

Just like the homepage of youtube and other similar platforms, a list of randomly selected movies is displayed to the user.

Watch Mode

This mode allows users to watch any desired movie. The user is prompted to enter the title of the desired movie, after which the watch simulation is run.

To give the user a realistic watching experience, watchtime (in minutes but scaled down to seconds) is read gradually for the actual duration of the movie and displayed as the movie progress. Should the user lose interest in the movie, he is prompted to exit the watch console at every 10 minutes interval.

The watch time on exit together with the movie details is saved in the watch history.

Search Mode

The user can search the database for movies. The search result contains all similar movies as specified in the search query.

Recommend Mode

In this mode, the engine runs and makes personalized movie recommendations to the user based on watch history. I explain in detail how the engine works in the next section.

The Engine

Here, I give a full and detailed rundown of how the recommendation engine works. The engine is a carefully modelled feature of MovieMate, allowing it to give personalized recommendations to users. The engine is adaptive and comprehensive. It adapts to the changing behavior of the user as reflected in the watch history. And it is comprehensive as it considers all genres a particular movie belongs to.

It works like a Machine Learning model, making predictions of movies the user might be interested in based on two important parameters: the genres and the watchtime.

Program Flow

The Engine class has four methods: recommend_movies, get_recommendation, get_watch_time_ratio, get_movie_similarity

# recommend_movies method
num_recommendations = 5
        all_movies = self.all_movies
        watched_movies = self.watched_movies

When the recommend_movies method is called, all_movies and watched_movies variables are initialized. They contain the details of all movies on the database and those currently in the user watch history respectively.


# all movies
{'title': 'The Matrix', 'genres': ['sci-fi', 'action'], 'runtime': 136},
 {'title': 'Inception', 'genres': ['sci-fi', 'adventure', 'action'], 'runtime': 148}, 
{'title': 'Black Swan', 'genres': ['drama', 'thriller', 'action'], 'runtime': 108}, 
{'title': "The King's Speech", 'genres': ['drama', 'history'], 'runtime': 118}

# watched movies
{'title': 'Inception', 'genres': ['sci-fi', 'adventure', 'action'], 'runtime': 148, 'watchtime': 110},
 {'title': 'Black Swan', 'genres': ['drama', 'thriller', 'action'], 'runtime': 108, 'watchtime': 80}

A similarity score is calculated based on a one-on-one comparison with the movies in the watch history for all the movies on the database not watched yet by the user. Two parameters are considered to calculate a similarity score: genres and watchtime.

For the first parameter, the genre similarity score reflects the genres common to both movies being compared. The second parameter is normalized to eliminate the inherent bias as a result of the varying length of the movies’ runtime. It is normalized as the watchtime/runtime ratio to give a value that ranges between 0 and 1.

# get_watch_time_ratiom method
def get_watch_time_ratio(self, movie):
        ratio = movie["watchtime"] / movie["runtime"]
        return ratio

A single score is calculated as the sum of the scores for the two parameters.

# get_movie_similarity method
def get_movie_similarity(self, movie1, movie2):

        genre_similarity = len(set(movie1["genres"]) & set(movie2["genres"])) 
        ratio_similarity = self.get_watch_time_ratio(movie2)

        similarity = genre_similarity + ratio_similarity
        return similarity

A total score is then calculated as the sum of the score for each comparison.

# recommend_movies method
similarity_scores = []
        for movie in all_movies:
            if movie["title"] in [movie["title"] for movie in watched_movies ]:
            score = sum([self.get_movie_similarity(movie, watched) for watched in watched_movies])
            similarity_scores.append((movie, score))

    COMPARING  Inception  WITH  The Matrix
    Genre similarity:  2
    Ratio_similarity:  0.743243
    Similarity score:  2.743243

    COMPARING  Black Swan  WITH  The Matrix
    Genre similarity:  1
    Ratio_similarity:  0.7407407
    Similarity score:  1.7407407

    Movie:  The Matrix || Total Similarity score:  4.483983

    COMPARING  Inception  WITH  The King's Speech
    Genre similarity:  0
    Ratio_similarity:  0.743243
    Similarity score:  0.743243

    COMPARING  Black Swan  WITH  The King's Speech
    Genre similarity:  1
    Ratio_similarity:  0.740740
    Similarity score:  1.740740

    Movie:  The King's Speech || Total Similarity score:  2.483983


Movies with the highest score are recommended.

# get_recommendation method
def get_recommendation(self):
        recommendation = self.recommend_movies()
        recommendation = [self.formatter(movie) for movie in recommendation]
        print(yellow("\nMovie Recommendations...", "bold"))
        print(*recommendation, sep="\n\n")
    Movie Recommendations...

    1. Title: The Matrix 
       Genres: ['sci-fi', 'action']
       Runtime: 136

    2. Title: The King's Speech 
         Genres: ['drama', 'history']
         Runtime: 118

It can be observed that the order of the recommended movies indicates that the Engine made a good inference based on the user's watch history.

Engine Full Code

Below is the full commented code for the recommendation engine.

# Engine class
from dataclasses import dataclass
import random
from simple_colors import *

class Engine:

    # Calculate the watch/runtime ratio for the watched movies. 
    # This ratio is an important parameter for the recommendation algorithm 
    def get_watch_time_ratio(self, movie):
        ratio = movie["watchtime"] / movie["runtime"]
        return ratio

    # Calculate similarity score for each yet to be watched movie as 
    # compared against all movies in the user watch history
    def get_movie_similarity(self, movie1, movie2):
        # Calculate similarity based on genre match
        genre_similarity = len(set(movie1["genres"]) & set(movie2["genres"])) 

        # Calculate similarity based on watch time/runtime ratio
        ratio_similarity = self.get_watch_time_ratio(movie2)

        # Combine the similarities into a single value
        similarity = genre_similarity + ratio_similarity
        return similarity

    # Recommends the top 5 movies with the highest similarity score
    def recommend_movies(self):
        num_recommendations = 5
        all_movies = self.all_movies
        watched_movies = self.watched_movies

        # Calculate similarity between each movie and the previously watched movies
        similarity_scores = []
        for movie in all_movies:
            # skip movies already watched
            if movie["title"] in [movie["title"] for movie in watched_movies ]:
            score = sum([self.get_movie_similarity(movie, watched) for watched in watched_movies])

            similarity_scores.append((movie, score))

        # Sort movies by similarity
        similarity_scores.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

        # Return the top n=5 movies
        return [movie for movie, _ in similarity_scores[:num_recommendations]]

    def get_recommendation(self):
        recommendation = self.recommend_movies()
        recommendation = [self.formatter(movie) for movie in recommendation]
        print(yellow("\nMovie Recommendations...", "bold"))
        print(*recommendation, sep="\n\n")


And that's the whole MovieMate explained in an article. Feel free to check out the repository, fork and improve upon the codebase. It's open source by the way.

Should you choose to save yourself the hassle of setting up a local environment to test it, you can still play around with it here.

Thanks for reading.